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Parking and Traffic


Streets around our school are often very congested during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. To help keep our students safe, we need you to do your part by slowing down and following traffic safety laws. We suggest arranging to meet your child on the north side of the school along 144th Avenue to reduce congestion.

General safety reminders

·         Remain courteous and patient

·         Drive slowly and watch for students crossing the road

·         Abide all traffic signs and laws, including bus parking restrictions (front of the main entrance).

·         Use designated crosswalks

·         Respect school staff and volunteers assisting with drop-off and pick-up

·         Park further away from the school and walk the rest of the way

·         Use Edmonton Transit (ETS) or other ways to get to school (walk, ride a bike or roll!)

Edmonton Transit System (ETS) is the preferred way for junior high students to get to school.